Official November HHS Enrollment Report

Overview of Enrollment to Date
To date, 106,185 persons have enrolled and selected a Marketplace plan—this includes those who have paid a premium and those who have not yet paid a premium.
Based on available data, 846,184 completed applications were submitted to Marketplaces during the first month of the initial open enrollment period (10-1-13 to 11-2-13), including applications that were submitted to the SBMs and FFM. These completed applications correspond to a total of 1,509,883 million individuals (persons) who have applied for coverage through the Marketplaces during this time period. This represents 22 percent of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated 7 million Marketplace enrollment in 2014.2 (Please see Appendix A for corresponding tables containing state-level data, and see Appendix B for methodological information on how these numbers were derived).
The Marketplaces have helped a total of 1,477,853 persons by determining or assessing3 that they are either eligible to enroll in a Marketplace plan (used throughout this report—also known as Qualified Health Plans or QHPs) with or without financial assistance, or in Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). To date, 106,185 persons have selected a Marketplace plan—this includes 79,391 in SBMs and 26,794 in FFM. An additional 975,407 persons who have been determined eligible have not yet selected a plan through the Marketplace.