Massachusetts: @HealthConnector launches 2022 #ACA Open Enrollment w/increased financial help #GetCovered

via the Massachusetts Health Connector:
Nov. 1, 2021 – Open Enrollment for 2022 health insurance begins today at the Massachusetts Health Connector, with more opportunities for enrollees to find financial assistance with their monthly premiums.
Open Enrollment runs through Jan. 23, 2022, with a deadline to apply, pick a plan, and make a first premium payment by Dec. 23, for coverage to begin Jan. 1, 2022. Open Enrollment is the time when individuals without health insurance can find coverage through the Health Connector without a qualifying reason.
“Access to affordable health care for individuals and families in Massachusetts is vital,” said Marylou Sudders, Secretary of Health and Human Services and Chair of the Health Connector’s Board of Directors. “Massachusetts has the highest insured rate in the nation, and Open Enrollment offers individuals the opportunity to apply and choose a coverage plan that meets their needs and provides security for their health and wellbeing.”
“There has not been a more important time to obtain coverage through the Health Connector than now,” said Louis Gutierrez, the Executive Director of the Massachusetts Health Connector. “There is more assistance than ever available to help pay for coverage, and more individuals are eligible for assistance to lower the cost of health coverage than ever before.”
Through the federal American Rescue Plan, millions of dollars in new federal assistance are available to Massachusetts residents to lower the cost of their health insurance premiums. The ConnectorCare program offers lower-income members premium assistance – including $0 premiums for some– with low or no co-payment costs. ConnectorCare plans do not have deductibles or co-insurance. About 70 percent of the Health Connector’s 266,000 members qualify for ConnectorCare.
People needing coverage can visit to complete an application, find out if they qualify for help paying for their plan, and pick and pay for their new health insurance. If someone needs assistance, Navigators and Certified Application Counselors are available throughout the state and can be found through the Health Connector’s online Help Center.