Minnesota: January 15th is the last day to sign up for private health plans for 2023

via MNsure, Minnesota's ACA exchange:
ST. PAUL, Minn.—Minnesotans looking for health coverage in 2023 have until 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, January 15, to enroll in private health plans through MNsure.
“More Minnesotans than ever before are eligible to shop for lower cost health insurance and access financial help through MNsure,” said MNsure CEO Nate Clark. “Don’t assume you won’t qualify for savings. Take another look, review your options, and sign up by the January 15 deadline so you don’t miss your opportunity to get comprehensive health coverage in 2023 and save hundreds of dollars per month.”
On average, MNsure enrollees will save $560/month in 2023. All plans sold through MNsure are guaranteed to cover a list of essential health benefits that includes prescription drugs, emergency services and preventive care like flu shots and cancer screenings. Plans that don’t provide comprehensive coverage can leave you at risk for high, unexpected medical costs if you get sick or need to go to a hospital.
Don’t delay, get started now
To get started, go to MNsure.org to apply for and enroll in coverage.
If you’d like help working through the process, MNsure’s statewide network of certified brokers and navigators are able to assist – completely free of cost – through virtual meetings, phone appointments or in-person meetings. Minnesotans also can contact MNsure representatives directly at 651-539-2099 (855-366-7873 outside the Twin Cities).
Extended hours ahead of January 15 deadline
MNsure’s online marketplace will be open 24 hours a day January 13-15, 2023, leading up to the deadline (11:59 p.m. on January 15).
The Contact Center also has extended hours leading up to the deadline.
- Saturday, Jan. 14: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
- Sunday, Jan. 15: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
The January 15 deadline does not apply to Minnesotans with coverage through MinnesotaCare or Medical Assistance or members of federally recognized tribes, who can enroll through MNsure any time of year, including outside of the annual open enrollment period.