Alabama: Final Avg. unsubsidized 2023 #ACA rate changes: +0.4% (estimated)

Via the Alabama Insurance Dept:
The Alabama Department of Insurance (ALDOI) has approved the final 2023 premium rates for the Affordable Care Act Individual Market in Alabama. The rates will be effective on January 1, 2023. The three carriers in the Alabama individual market are Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama (BCBS), UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company (UHC), and Celtic Insurance Company (CIC). In general, rates for BCBS decreased 0.3 percent, and rates for UHC increased 14.9 percent. CIC is new to the Affordable Care Act Individual Market in Alabama in 2023. The actual rates and the supporting material may be found by clicking on the links below.Consumers with an insurance question may contact the Alabama Department of Insurance, Consumer Services Division, using the contact information below. The Department also maintains a Live Chat feature for consumers at our website at A representative will be happy to help answer your questions.
2023 Redacted Actuarial Memorandums:
2023 Rates by Company
Again, the linked documents are still redacted and thus don't include the enrollment numbers for any of the carriers. Furthermore, the press release says nothing about the small group market...and the SERFF database is useless on that front as well, since everything is redacted.
Also, I'm not sure what's going on with US Health & Life Insurance Co...they showed up when I researched the preliminary rate filings but seem to have disappeared; perhaps that fell through? On the other hand, with Bright Health Insurance pulling out of the entire individual market nationally, that leaves just two current carriers to run an estimated weighted average on: BCBS and UnitedHealthcare.
Since UHC was new to the market last year while BCBS has historically had a massive market share, I'm assuming it's something like a 20:1 ratio between the two, which would give a weighted average rate increase of perhaps 0.4% or so.
As for the small group market, I haven't a clue how to even guesstimate the weighted rate changes even if the final filings were included.