Nevada: *Final* avg. unsubsidized 2024 #ACA rate changes: +3.8%; Molina & Imperial joining market

In August, I posted an unweighted average of the preliminary rate filings for Nevada's individual & small group markets; it was unweighted at the time because I was unable to find the actual unredacted rate filing forms on the SERFF database, federal Rate Review website or even Nevada's own insurance filing database site.
Fortunately, now that the approved 2024 filings have been published, the NV DOI has added the Rate Change Justification forms to their database, making it easy to plug in the number of enrollees for every carrier in both markets. It's also important to note that there are two new carriers joining Nevada's individual market: Molina Healthcare and Imperial Insurance Co.
Overall, the weighted average rate increases are 3.8% for unsubsidized individual market plans and 6.4% for small group market enrollees.