ACASignups: Damn, We're GOOD!

NOTE: This was originally posted over at Daily Kos. I've since ported it over here for archival purposes.
Politico, less than an hour ago:
More than one million Americans signed up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act during the first three weeks of December, including 500,000 through the federal exchange, President Barack Obama announced Friday.
- Official enrollments 10/1 - 11/30: 364,682
- "Over 1 Million" 12/01 - 12/20: at least 1,000,001
- Total: 1,364,683 as of this morning: 1,349,562
Damn, we're good.
Thanks to ArcticStones, ybruti, MotherShipper, shiska64, rugbymom, timmyc, CJB, rsmpdx, dadadata, Rolyboy6 and everyone else who has been helping me with this project.
Meanwhile, check out the news on Medicaid (which has been spottier/harder to come by, even though the numbers are already higher):
Nearly 3.9M Qualify for Medicaid Under Health Law
The Obama administration says nearly 3.9 million people have qualified for coverage through the health care law's Medicaid expansion.
The numbers released Friday cover the period from Oct. 1 to Nov. 30 and underscore a pattern of Medicaid outpacing the law's expansion of private insurance.
The spreadsheet had the Medicaid/SCHIP expansion number as just over 2 million. There's been another 1.9 million that hasn't made the news until just now.
That's right. 1.365M + 3.9M = 5.265 million people total.
And according to the Medicaid article, that's only through Nov. 30. Since the HHS report only lists the 11/30 Medicaid number as 803,000, that means that the "mass enrollments" noted in the orange cells on the spreadsheet must not only be correct, but there must be a bunch more like that that I'm not aware of as well.
Update: I should also note that with this confirmation, private enrollments now stand at over 19% of the "7 million" CBO projection for 3/31/14.
Granted, 44% of the time has now elapsed, but that's still a fantastic leap forward.
In addition, President Obama's "half a million" in "the first 3 weeks" of December for the federal exchange obviously doesn't include today or tomorrow, and the Washington Post article I linked to the other day referred to "680,000 earlier this week" which probably means Monday the 16th. Subtracting out the 137K from in Oct/Nov, that's the 543K that I alrady have listed, which coincides with "over half a million".
Of course, 543K in 16 days = 34,000 per day, which is impressive...except that this week California is reporting up to 20,000 per day ALONE.
In other words, the Tuesday-Friday numbers have likely been far higher than that this week.