Your Health Idaho reminds state residents they have until MONDAY to #GetCovered!

In most states, the 2020 Open Enrollment Period deadline is midnight on Sunday, December 15th. In a few states, the deadline is as late as January 31st.
And then there's Idaho. Via Your Health Idaho, the state's ACA exchange:
Deadline to apply for 2020 health insurance is December 16
Your Health Idaho extends hours to support increased interestBOISE, Idaho – Idahoans seeking 2020 health insurance coverage must complete their application through the state insurance exchange, Your Health Idaho, by Monday, Dec. 16. In anticipation of increased interest and high demand, Your Health Idaho is extending customer support hours through December.
Your Health Idaho will be open Monday through Friday, December 9-20, from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. MT. Phone lines will also be open Saturday, Dec. 14, and Saturday, Dec. 21, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. MT.
"We want to make sure Idahoans are aware that the deadline for 2020 health insurance coverage is quickly approaching," said Your Health Idaho executive director, Pat Kelly. "This is a busy time of year and we would hate for anyone to miss out on getting covered, especially when 9 out of 10 Idahoans enrolled on the exchange save an average of 80% on their monthly premium with a tax credit,” said Kelly.
This enrollment season, Your Health Idaho has seen an increase in traffic to the website and customer support channels compared to the same time last year. Kelly said this is likely due to increased interest and some confusion in the marketplace around Medicaid expansion.
"What we are seeing this year is that Idahoans are a bit unsure about how the process works and what programs they could be eligible for," said Kelly. "The good news is, they only have to complete one application to find out if they are eligible for a tax credit to enroll on the exchange, or if they are eligible for expanded Medicaid," Kelly said.
One way for consumers to find out if they could be eligible for the monthly tax credit or Medicaid expansion is to use the window-shopping tool on the Your Health Idaho website. By answering a few basic questions about their household and income, visitors to the site will get either an estimate of their tax credit and what they can expect to pay for their monthly premium, or a notification that they could be eligible for another program like Medicaid. To estimate savings and shop for 2020 plans, visit and select Shop Now.
Eligibility for both the monthly tax credit and Medicaid are determined by the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare (DHW).
For additional support in navigating the enrollment process, Your Health Idaho encourages Idahoans to work with an agent or broker. These insurance experts are licensed by the state, certified by Your Health Idaho, and their help is available for free.
"We are proud to offer Idahoans a wide range of medical and dental plans for 2020," said Kelly. "And we know that choosing the right health insurance plan is a major decision and the process can be overwhelming. That’s why we recommend everyone take advantage of the free expert help that’s available." For a list of certified agents and brokers, visit the website.
To enroll in health insurance for the 2020 plan year, visit . For questions or to speak with a Your Health Idaho representative, call 1-855-944-3246.
Open Enrollment ends Monday, Dec. 16, 2019.