North Dakota: *Final* avg. unsubsidized 2024 #ACA rate changes: +3.0% (corrected)

via the North Dakota Insurance Dept:
Godfread announces rates for 2024 ACA plans
BISMARCK, N.D. – Insurance Commissioner Jon Godfread has approved the rates for individual and small group health insurance plans compliant with the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Individual and small-group health insurance plans that are ACA-compliant are purchased through the exchange or licensed agents. Three statewide insurance carriers operate on the individual market, available via and through insurance agents. Five major carriers exist in the small group market, primarily purchased by employers of small businesses.
“We’re releasing these rates to give consumers who purchase their health insurance on the individual or small group markets an idea of what’s to come for 2024,” said Godfread. “The changes in rates this year are on par with previous years, with no big jumps or decreases in rates. When purchasing health insurance, or any insurance policy, shop around and look at different coverage options and find one that best fits your and your family's needs.”
Insurance companies annually submit proposed rates and benefit changes to the North Dakota Insurance Department. All plan elements and rates are reviewed and potentially altered to ensure compliance and financial viability of what is being offered.
Approximately 45,000 North Dakotans are insured through the individual market.
Open enrollment for plans under the Affordable Care Act will be from November 1 to December 15 for coverage to begin January 1.
The only thing that's really noteworthy here is that Godfrey increased the final 2024 rate hikes for two of the three carriers on the individual market...significantly. That's pretty unusual--usually they either shave the rate hikes down somewhat or leave them as is, and even when state regulators do bump them higher than requested, it's usually not by much.
UPDATE 10/12/23: Whoops! Thanks to a commenter below for catching a screwup on my part; both Medica and Sanford health plans were approved as is by Godfrey! I was reading the wrong column for both of them (the Max Requested instead of the Approved Average). My error and my apologies. The actual approved weighted average is only 3.0%, a drop from the 4.5% average requested.