New York: NYSoH educates college students about affordable health insurance options

- Certified Enrollment Assistors Visit Colleges Across New York State
- New Yorkers Who Enroll by February 15 Will Have Coverage in Place for March 1
ALBANY, N.Y. (February 9, 2024) – NY State of Health, the state’s official health plan Marketplace, today announced an informational college campaign, with events taking place on campuses throughout New York State. Certified enrollment assistors will be visiting schools to talk to students about affordable, quality health insurance through the Marketplace, and help current enrollees renew their coverage. Enrollment for 2024 coverage is currently open for Medicaid, Essential Plan, Child Health Plus, and Qualified Health Plans (QHP). Consumers who enroll by February 15 will have coverage for March 1.
“College can be an exciting but stressful time in a young person’s life, which is why everyone should make their physical and emotional health a priority,” State Health Commissioner Dr. James McDonald said. “I thank NY State of Health for creating an opportunity for students to stay informed about their health insurance options, renew their coverage, and find health insurance plans that are best for them.”
“Educating New Yorkers about the importance of health insurance and affordable options available to them is a critical part of our mission,” NY State of Health Executive Director Danielle Holahan said. “The Marketplace is committed to our continued partnership with colleges, to offer students free enrollment assistance at a location convenient to them, and ensure they find a health plan that best fits their needs and budget."
During this year’s Open Enrollment, which began November 16, 2023, some New Yorkers will be shopping Qualified Health Plans through the Marketplace, while enrollees in Medicaid, Child Health Plus, and the Essential Plan are renewing for the first time since the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency. New York State is providing outreach and assistance to over 9 million public program enrollees to ensure they maintain their coverage.
NY State of Health is sending renewal notices on a rolling basis to enrollees in Medicaid, Child Health Plus, and the Essential Plan. The New York City Human Resources Administration (HRA), and local Departments of Social Services are also sending notices to Medicaid enrollees. Notices are distributed based on enrollees’ enrollment end dates and include a renewal deadline to take action before risking a coverage gap.
Consumers who become ineligible for Medicaid or the Essential Plan will be able to enroll in a Qualified Health Plan during the Public Health Emergency Unwind renewal process, which continues through May 2024. Enrollment is open all year for Medicaid, Child Health Plus, and the Essential Plan.
All plans through the Marketplace provide a comprehensive benefits package, including free preventive care, such as routine office visits and recommended screenings, as well as doctor’s visits, hospital stays, emergency care, and other key health services. Significantly increased federal tax credits, authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act and sustained through the Inflation Reduction Act, will continue through 2025, making monthly Qualified Health Plan premiums more affordable.
How to Enroll:
There are three ways to enroll in a health plan through the Marketplace:
- Receive free personalized help from a Certified Enrollment Assistor. Consumers can find one in their preferred language.
- Call the NY State of Health Customer Service Center at 1-855-355-5777.
- Visit NY State of Health. A web chat feature is available to consumers during Customer Service Center hours to help them complete their applications.
Information about NY State of Health college events can be found here.