
Around half the 50 states (+DC) expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act starting in 2014. Since then, roughly half of the remaining states have also done so, either via executive order by the Governor, a new state legislature coming around or, most frequently, via statewide ballot initiative.

Idaho is an example of the latter: In November 2018, voters in Idaho (along with Utah and Nebraska) passed a ballot proposal to fully expand Medicaid under the ACA. After some legal wrangling, the state officially launched Medicaid expansion starting in January 2020, with more than 35,000 Idahoans signing up within the first few days of being allowed to do so.

Your Health Idaho Logo

This Just In from Your Health Idaho:

Final Deadline for 2021 Health Insurance is April 30

  • Last Chance for Idahoans to Receive Enhanced Subsidies

BOISE, Idaho – Your Health Idaho, the state health insurance exchange, announced the final day to enroll in 2021 health insurance, without a Qualifying Life Event, is April 30.

“This is the last chance for Idahoans to take advantage of the increased tax credits and enroll in 2021 coverage,” said Pat Kelly, Your Health Idaho Executive Director. “These savings can be significant for Idaho families who may have thought health insurance was out of reach prior to the American Rescue Plan Act.”

I've confirmed that unlike other state exchanges which have bumped out their deadlines repeatedly, Your Health Idaho explicitly does not intend on extending this deadline out again: April 30th is the final deadline.

After extending the special enrollment period deadline from March 31, exchange officials are urging Idahoans to apply for savings from a health insurance tax credit and make their final plan selection by 11:59 p.m. (MT) on Friday, April 30.

Your Health Idaho, which had been scheduled to end their COVID-19 Enrollment Period on March 31st, has understandably extended the deadline out by another month in light of the American Rescue Plan's expanded/enhanced subsidies. Via email:

Enhanced Subsidies Go into Effect at Your Health Idaho April 1

Your Health Idaho Continues to Enroll Idahoans through April 30, 2021

BOISE, Idaho –Your Health Idaho, the state insurance exchange, will remain open throughout the month of April so Idahoans can take advantage of enhanced financial assistance, which lowers consumer’s monthly premiums. 

For the first time ever, tax credits, which act like an instant discount, may be available for those who were not previously eligible and will be increased for Idahoans who already receive them. For some Idahoans, these savings can be significant. For example, a Treasure Valley married couple in their 20s making $50,000 a year could pay less than $10 a month and a family of four making $105,000 could pay as little as $200 a month.

A reminder from Your Health Idaho (via email):

Uninsured Special Enrollment Period in Idaho Begins March 1

  • Idahoans who enroll will have coverage beginning April 1, 2021 

BOISE, Idaho – Your Health Idaho, the state insurance exchange, reopens today for Idahoans still seeking 2021 health insurance. Between March 1, and March 31, 2021, uninsured Idahoans can enroll in comprehensive health insurance coverage through the Uninsured Special Enrollment Period.  

This Special Enrollment Period is available for any uninsured Idahoan who missed the open enrollment window and is still seeking health insurance for 2021. Idahoans who enroll by the March 31, deadline will have coverage beginning April 1, 2021. 

(sigh) After seven years of doing this, you'd think I'd know better: I double-checked the Your Health Idaho website as recently as this morning and saw no announcement of a COVID-19 Special Enrollment Period...and yet look what just showed up in my inbox an hour ago...

Your Health Idaho Announces Special Enrollment Period for Uninsured Idahoans

  • Idaho’s Health Insurance Marketplace will Reopen March 1 

BOISE, Idaho – Your Health Idaho announced today that a Special Enrollment Period will be established from March 1 to March 31. During this time, any eligible uninsured Idahoan can sign up for health insurance coverage.

“As we approach the one-year mark of COVID-19 in Idaho, too many Idahoans are still uninsured and in need of coverage,” said Your Health Idaho Executive Director, Pat Kelly. “Reopening the marketplace and providing Idahoans with a path to comprehensive health insurance is simply the right thing to do.” 

With this announcement, Your Health Idaho joins all state-based marketplaces and the federal marketplace in offering a Special Enrollment Period as the effects of the pandemic continue to be felt across the country.

via Your Health Idaho:

More than 79,000 Idahoans Enroll in 2021 Health Insurance Coverage

BOISE, Idaho – More than 79,000 Idahoans signed up for 2021 health insurance coverage through the state health insurance exchange, Your Health Idaho, during the annual open enrollment period.

Compared to the same time last year, enrollments on the exchange are down by approximately 10,000. This decline is attributed in large part to the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting public health emergencies and protected coverage policies.  

Last year's official Idaho Open Enrollment Period (OEP) Qualified Health Plan (QHP) total was 78,431, so 79,000 should be slightly higher, not 10,000 lower. What's going on here?

via Your Health Idaho:

Final Deadline for Health Insurance in Idaho is December 31

  • Your Health Idaho anticipates increased activity following deadline extension

BOISE, Idaho – Idahoans looking to find 2021 health insurance coverage still have a few days left to enroll through the state health insurance exchange, Your Health Idaho.

After extending the original deadline from Dec. 15, exchange officials are urging Idahoans to apply for the monthly health insurance tax credit and make their final plan selection by 11:59 p.m. (MT) on Thursday, Dec. 31. 

“I cannot stress enough how important this final deadline is for Idahoans,” said Pat Kelly, Your Health Idaho Executive Director. “Even if you are unsure if you will qualify, this is the last chance to complete an application and find out if you are eligible for lower-cost coverage through Your Health Idaho.”

Annnnnnd add Your Health Idaho to the list:

Deadline to Get Health Insurance Extended
Idahoans have until December 31 to get covered for 2021

Today, for the first time ever, the Your Health Idaho Board of Directors voted to extend the Open Enrolment deadline. Idahoans now have until Dec. 31, 2020, to sign up for health insurance coverage that begins Jan. 1, 2021.

Your Health Idaho saw the largest single-day enrollment since 2018 on Tuesday, Dec. 15, the original deadline date. This increased activity coupled with ongoing impacts from the coronavirus pandemic spurred Your Health Idaho to extend the deadline.

“An unprecedented year calls for unprecedented measures,” said Your Health Idaho Chairman of the Board, Stephen Weeg. “Given the challenges faced by Idahoans in 2020 and the renewed need for comprehensive health insurance, we hope that by extending the deadline a few more weeks, every Idahoan will have access to the coverage they need for the coming year.”

via Your Health Idaho:

Less Than One Week to Enroll in 2021 Health Insurance

  • Your Health Idaho extends customer support hours ahead of Dec. 15 deadline

BOISE, Idaho – Idahoans have until 11:59 p.m. (MT) on Tuesday, Dec. 15, to enroll in 2021 health insurance coverage through Your Health Idaho, the state insurance exchange. After open enrollment ends, Idahoans will not be able to enroll in coverage unless they qualify for a Special Enrollment Period.

“As expected after the Thanksgiving holiday, we have seen an increased interest from Idahoans looking to enroll in 2021 health insurance coverage,” said Your Health Idaho Executive Director, Pat Kelly. “To ensure consumers are getting the help they need, Your Health Idaho has expanded business hours through December and implemented new contact options.”

via Your Health Idaho:

It is no secret that 2020 has been a challenging year for Idahoans. In addition to the health implications and long-term consequences of COVID-19, living in a global pandemic has changed the way Idahoans work, learn, and interact with friends and family.

Over the past year, COVID-19 has also highlighted the undeniable need for comprehensive health insurance and access to quality healthcare. However, in a year with so much uncertainty and change, it may seem like health insurance is unaffordable or something that we can go without. At Your Health Idaho we understand that budgets are tight, we also know that the peace of mind that comes with having coverage in the event of an emergency is priceless.

As 2020 draws to a close, so does the annual Open Enrollment period for health insurance. Right now, at you can shop and compare hundreds of health insurance plans to find the right coverage for you and your family.

