
OK, contributor deaconblues sent me a link yesterday which gave updates as of 5/27...but when I checked the link this morning, it was dated 5/28 and the numbers were all slightly higher!

If I'm reading this correctly, Minnesota seems to have decided to start posting daily updates now, which is ironic given that HHS has stopped issuing updates completely!

Frankly, for my purposes, the only way that this could be any handier would be if they included a hard "paid" count with each update, but they've repeatedly made it clear that they average around 95% so that's not a problem:

enrollment update

latest enrollment numbers

May 28, 2014 

Health Coverage Type Total Enrollments 
Medical Assistance 129,332
MinnesotaCare 47,328
Qualified Health Plan (QHP) 50,881
TOTAL 227,541

Huh. The Minnesota exchange just released updated data as of 5/22; this brings another 4 days of numbers into view:

.@MNsure enrollment as of 5/26/14: 127,712 in MA, 46,836 in MinnesotaCare and 50,793 in QHP. Total: 225,341. pic.twitter.com/uDzt8AHqcO

— MNsure (@MNsure) May 27, 2014

OK, so that's another 166 QHPs and 958 more people added to Medicaid in the past 4 days.

MN's off-season QHP rate is now 697 in 34 days, or 20.5 per day. If that holds steady, that's around 615 per month, or around 4,300 more QHPs by the time the 2nd open enrollment period opens on November 15.

Sometimes you just have to ask directly:

MNsure Hi Charles - working on that stat now. At last analysis, about 95% of QHP enrollees had paid their first month's premium.

Now that we're completely out of the Open Enrollment period (for QHPs, anyway), it'll be interesting to see how the QHP numbers climb based purely on Qualifying Life Events and Native American enrollees.

latest enrollment numbers

May 22, 2014 

Medical Assistance 126,928
MinnesotaCare 46,662

Qualified Health Plan (QHP) 50,759
TOTAL 224,349

Minnesota's final official number as of 4/22 (they bumped their extension period out an extra week from the normal 4/15) was 50,096, so they've added another 663 people in the first month since then, or around 1.3%.

Assuming that rate ends up being typical of both MN specifically and is representative nationally (and of course there's absolutely no evidence that either of these will be the case), this would mean:

Minnesota's official exchange QHP tally has dropped by a whopping...9 people  since the end of April. Meanwhile, their Medicaid tally has shot up another 10,262 people:

As of 5/13:

  • 120,749 Medical Assistance
  • 50,540 QHP
  • 45,121 Minnesota Care
  • Shop: 761 x 1.8 = 1,370

One More final update from Minnesota...

Enrollment update, as of end of day on Tuesday, April 29:

  • 206,157 Total Enrollments
  • 112,834 Medical Assistance
  • 50,549 QHP
  • 42,774 Minnesota Care


SHOP: 731 * 1.8 = 1,316

Minnesota wrapped up their own "extended-extension" period (they tacked on 1 more week onto the 4/15 extension, ending things on 4/22) with two nice milestones achieved: 50K exchange QHPs and 150K new Medicaid enrollees:

Combined enrollment in public and private plans now stands at 200,174, MNsure officials said. That includes 50,096 in private plans; 41,403 in MinnesotaCare, a public program  for low to moderate incomes that requires a modest premium contribution; and 108,673 in Medical Assistance, Minnesota’s version of Medicaid.

Key "final" numbers as of 4/15 (MN is actually allowing another week, through 4/22, for final stragglers):

QHP: 48,157

Medicaid: 140,678

SHOP (from Dashboard) 726 x 1.8 = 1,306

OK, the various ACA exchanges are just messing with my head now.

First, Nevada announced that they've extended their enrollment out to May 30 for those who started by March 31st.

Then Oregon announced that they've extended full open enrollment out to April 30.

Then I found out that anyone who submitted a paper application by April 7th in any of the 36 states run by HC.gov still have until April 30 to finish.

Colorado, I've discovered, is allowing people who applied for Medicaid but were denied up until May 31st to finish their enrollment process.

And, of course, Massachusetts has over 200K "Limbo Status" people who may (theoretically) get squared away as late as June 30.

Late last night I learned that Hawaii has bumped their extension deadline out to April 30.

4 different people brought Minnesota's latest update to my attention...their exchange QHPs are up another 651 from 47,046 since 3/31, while their Medicaid tally is up another 5,655 from 128,005:

ST.PAUL, Minn. – Today, MNsure announced 181,357 Minnesotans have enrolled in quality, affordable coverage through MNsure, the state’s health insurance marketplace. The growing numbers come from continued processing of “in line” applications, as well as Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare enrollments.

...To date, MNsure has enrolled 47,697 Minnesotans in a Qualified Health Plan, 37,050 in MinnesotaCare and 96,610 in Medical Assistance.

